When Vladimir Putin launched this invasion, in his criminally deranged mind, he did not foresee one thing:

When Vladimir Putin launched this invasion, in his criminally deranged mind, he did not foresee one thing: 

the extraordinary courage and charisma of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, an actor and satirist who was once disregarded by the world of "serious politics", who will now go down in history as a great and steadfast leader of the Ukrainian nation. 

Regardless of how many hours, days, or weeks he will lead Ukraine, he has already found his way into textbooks and film scripts, like the border guards from Serpent Island and many other extraordinary heroes of this criminal war, and along with his wife - First Lady of Ukraine, writer Olena Zelenska, who stands firmly with her husband. Both have refused invited asylum by the US!

"It is said that many are a crowd," wrote Ołena yesterday. - It does not apply to us, because thousands of Ukrainians are not crowds, this is an army! And today I will not panic and cry. I will be calm and confident. My children are watching me. I will be next to them. And next to my husband. And with you. I love you! I love Ukraine!"

A similar situation happened only once in the last 100 years.
With the outbreak of war in 1939, there was some suggestion that Queen Elisabeth (the Queen Mother) and her daughters should evacuate to North America or Canada. To this, the Queen made her famous reply: 'The children won't go without me. I won't leave the King. And the King will never leave.

Thanks to Gosia Zalewska Guthman

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