In remembrance of the women who served in the Vietnam war.
In remembrance of the women who served in the Vietnam war. Sharon Ann Lane (07 Jul 1943 - 08 Jun 1969) First Lieutenant, O2, Medical-Surgical Nurse, UNITED STATES ARMY, 312TH EVAC HOSP, 67TH MED GRP, 44TH MED BDE. Born in Zanesville, Ohio, to John C and Mary Kathleen (Kay) Lane, sister of one brother Gary Lane, and one sister Judy Lane (Tritt). Sharon grew up in North Industry, Stark County, Ohio. She graduated from Canton South High School in June 1961 and entered the Aultman Hospital School of Nursing the following September. After graduating from Aultman in 1965, she worked at the hospital until May, 1967, she join the U.S. Army Nurse Corps Reserve on April 18, 1968. Her Home of record was Canton Ohio. Sharon Never Married or had children. 2LT Lane began training on May 5 at Fort Sam Houston in Texas. On 17 June she reported to Fitzsimons General Hospital in Denver, Colorado. While at Fitzsimons, she was promoted to First Lieutenant. On 24 April 1969 she repor...