Science: Paleo-Teratology: Scientists unearth fossil of two-headed reptile:
Science: Paleo-Teratology: Scientists unearth fossil of two-headed reptile: Observation 1: In the image below you can see in the right position a photo showing the fossil and in the left position a drawing showing how probably the animal was in past when it was alive ( Credit: drawing by Haiyan Tong) Scientists have unearthed the fossil of a young, two-headed marine reptile that lived when dinosaurs still walked the Earth. The fossilized remains of this 150-million year old marine reptile, called Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensis, show clear signs of axial bifurcation, a deformation that causes an animal to be born with two heads. “My first reaction when I saw that fossil was of the ‘Oh my God!’ type,” said lead researcher Eric Buffetaut of the Center for National Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris, France. “It’s something you would not really expect to see, because the chances of such a freak being fossilized are so slim.” The discovery, detailed in the year of 2006 in a issue of the ...