
Showing posts with the label To every female in the world.

To every female in the world.

To every female in the world.  This is for the woman who is healing from the trauma that nobody apologized for.  This is for the woman who was fired because she was late to work for the third time this month all because she had been awake for days up on end with her sick child.  This is for the single mom who doesn't know how she is going to afford winter clothes for her child because her child's father left as soon as he found out she was pregnant.  This is for the woman who has gone through multiple miscarriages and has tried for years without success but still shows up to all of her friend's baby showers.  This is for the woman who has a line of judging eyes at her and her children as she slides her welfare card across the counter at the grocery store.  This is for the woman that opens the door to the news of her husband being killed overseas three weeks before he was to return home.  This is for the woman that gives to her family every single day a...