
Showing posts with the label QUESTION: Why am I scared of water – all kinds?

QUESTION: Why am I scared of water – all kinds?

Here is the Past Life Reading and Picture for Assumpta's a bit grim but tell me what you think. Assumpta Moloney QUESTION: Why am I scared of water – all kinds? The immediate thing people tend to think of when someone is scared of water is drowning. The mind then rushes to a shipwreck, and usually Titanic. But Assumpta’s past life led me down a different path, partly because she told me she’s scared of actual water, not particularly the sea. This does lead to drowning, but I knew there was more to it than that.  It was the hatred of feeling water going into the lungs, that was true, but there also more pain that usually felt in a drowning. Plus, I knew it was not ab accidental death. The answer came through and I wasn’t looking forward to writing this account. Keelhauling. I won’t go too deeply into the fine details of this, just enough to see why Assumpta has her fear. Suffering great pain leads to a trauma that can ‘bleed through’ in other lives.  The fear this ...