Terrible Methods Of Torturing Women in the history
Terrible Methods Of Torturing Women in the history Throughout history, how women have been tortured at the hands of those who sought to control them is truly disturbing. From repressing their sexuality to silencing their voices and enforcing societal standards of beauty, women have been subjected to cruel methods of torture. The ultimate goal of these tortures was to break the spirit of women and maintain their submissiveness to those who feared the power and potential of a liberated woman. One of the most striking aspects of these torture methods is their focus on humiliation. Many of the devices and methods used on women were specifically designed to degrade and shame them, often with a disturbing sexual undertone. Some instruments of torture even targeted the genitals and other sexualized body parts, such as the breasts, to cause severe physical harm. Though most of these methods have been abolished for centuries, unfortunately, some forms of these barbaric practices still exist i...