Tales from the bomber plant. . . Lindbergh's tale revisited: a busted myth
Tales from the bomber plant. . . Lindbergh's tale revisited: a busted myth It's Monday, October 26th, 1942, at the Willow Run bomber plant. Three weeks earlier, the Army accepted Ship 1. Lindbergh, onboard since April, recounts a meeting with Henry, Edsel, Bennett, Sorenson, Bricker, and Roscoe Smith. Edsel is building airplanes again. The conference discusses quality, the lagging schedule, recruiting, and the forever housing problem. Lindbergh tells us that they resolved to hire more workers but, as Edsel favored, only as quality improved. A reasonable salve to smooth the friction between the plant's production and quality teams. Quality was heavy on the scale since Bricker reports that some assemblies recently sent to Consolidated at Fort Worth were rejected and returned for poor quality. Lindbergh delights that he warned them about the workmanship. But he acknowledges the handicap of the plant's untrained workforce. Of the current...