Black freedom fighters and liberators who knew they would die in their struggle and were grateful to die with honor.
Black freedom fighters and liberators who knew they would die in their struggle and were grateful to die with honor. Here are their last words before they die. 1. Thomas Sankara He was told that his best friend Blaise Compaoré planned to kill him. He said if it is Blaise Compaoré, my best friend, then I have no depend. "While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas. He was assassinated on October 15, 1987. His last words were reportedly, "Shoot me already, coward!" as he was being shot." 2. Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the Congo, was assassinated on January 17, 1961. His reported last words were, "Keep your calm and your courage. Long live Congo! Long live Africa! I know I'm going to die, and I will die with my head high above, with undistracted faith in my people's destiny and a belief that the history of Congolese will be said my Congolese then to live in humility and denounce th...