BABIES HAVE SUPERPOWERS Babies Actually Have Them. And surprisingly, they lose them as they get older. You probably know the grasping reflex of newborns. You hold out your little finger and it has a firm grip. Moms with long hair can tell you a thing or two about it. It just won't let go of the hair. Did you know that the grip is so strong that the baby can carry its own weight on a pull-up bar? This reflex is believed to be a holdover from the primate days of humans. If you watch monkeys holding onto their mother while she jumps up another's possible. The baby can do that for a few months, then loses that power and has to painstakingly retrain it later. - The next superpower is incredible. If a small child loses a fingertip in an accident ( for example, the famous car door), it can grow back. A Washington orthopedic surgeon had a little patient who stupidly stuck her finger in the spokes of the bicycle her brother was riding. Her finger limb was severed under the f...