The Black Avenging Form Of The Serpentine Earth Mother
The Black Avenging Form Of The Serpentine Earth Mother [An extract from 'The Queen of Serpents - The Serpentine Figure Of The Indo-European Earth Mother', looking at the prominent association of the Dark Avenging form of the Earth Mother deific with both Serpents, and the upholding of Divine Law and morality. Particular exemplar instances parsed include the Nordic Skadi's snake-delivered sanctioning of Loki, the Greek Erinyes (and Demeter bearing just such an epithet) operating under the command of Athena, and the black dread form of the Brahmahatya personification for the Hindus. It is clear that for the archaic Indo-European, the Goddess and Cosmic Law were fundamentally intertwined (indeed, the Vedic theology would say that one is an expression of the other), and that the terrific Serpent rising out of the black Earth represented Her active enforcer thereof. [-C.A.R.] ] We have already ‘stablished that the Gorgoneion represents Sovereignty, and in “Ghora – Gorgos – Ygg...