Was Imperial Japan worse than Nazi Germany?
Was Imperial Japan worse than Nazi Germany? In my subjective opinion Japan was more cruel than Nazi Germany, however, I am going to exclaim one thing; My intent is not to compare human suffering between the nations (though I do do that a bit) my main point is to shed light upon Japanese war crimes. Both countries did vile things. After clearing that out of the way, why is Japan worse than Germany? I am not going to talk about numbers; which country killed more. That’s not my point. Japan was more cruel because of how and why they did their brutalities. #1 Germany was selective about their brutality whilst Japanese were not. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why the Japanese were worse. The Germans murdered only selective groups of people. These included: Jews, Soviets, Gypsies and disabled people and most peoples in Eastern Europe. Though I am not certain if Germans sent Black POW’s or black people in general to the Death Camps, I do know that the SS committed...