Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) was the direct author of "Historical Chronicles and Historical Tragedies"

Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I)
was the direct author of a brilliant series of plays,
which are often grouped under the title
"Historical Chronicles and Historical Tragedies"
and their authorship is attributed to W. Shakespeare
I do not assign the authorship of ALL works attributed to W. Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon to any one author
In continuation of this thesis I will quote:

“…People in the nobility had an additional reason for hiding their identities if they wrote poetry, which was considered frivolous, or plays, which were considered beneath a nobleman’s dignity if performed in the public theaters. As The Art of English Poesie (published anonymously, by the way, in 1589) stated:

“I know very many notable gentlemen in the Court that have written commendably, and . . . suffered [allowed] it to be published without their own names to it: as if it were a discredit for a gentleman to seem learned…”. (”Why would anyone have needed to fake Shakespeare’s authorship?” by Tom Regnier).

And now I want to note that no brilliant discovery or brilliant composition arises from scratch, but is based on the deepest professional knowledge in the field, which, in its` turn, is the result of excellent education.

But W. Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon received only an incomplete primary education:
“As every English literature undergraduate knows, on the testimony of the bard’s friend and colleague Ben Jonson in the 1623 First Folio, William Shakespeare had “small Latin and less Greek”

(“Anatomy of a Misquotation (Part 1: Setting the Stage)” by Roger Stritmatter).
In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at that time Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) was one of the most educated women in England. She received a magnificent education and owned many languages (among them French, Italian, Spanish, including ancient Latin and ancient Greek languages),

This is why I argue that Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) was hiding behind her confidant named Shakespeare and only Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) was the direct author of a brilliant series of plays that are often grouped under the title of “Historical chronicles” and “Historical tragedies” attributed to W. Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon (see both previous quotes by Tom Rainier and by Roger Stritmatter).

And here I have to mention that 29 November 2019 Rebecca Jones (Arts correspondent, BBC News) in the article "Elizabeth I revealed as secret scribe of historic manuscript” she informed: “A literary historian from the University of East Anglia made the startling find in Lambeth Palace Library in London. He turned detective to piece together a series of clues to establish that the queen was the author of the writings.

The work is a translation of a book in which the Roman historian Tacitus wrote of the benefits of monarchical rule.
It was while searching in the library for translations of Tacitus that Dr John-Mark Philo found the mysterious 42-page manuscript.

 He established it was written on a very specific kind of paper, which had "gained special prominence" in the Tudor Court in the 1590s. "There was, however, only one translator at the Tudor court to whom a translation of Tacitus was ascribed by a contemporary, and who was using the same paper in her translations and private correspondence - the queen herself," added Dr Philo.

 But the clinching argument was the handwriting. The translation was copied by one of her secretaries but it is covered in corrections and additions which match the queen's highly distinctive, indeed rather messy, hand. "The corrections made to the translation are a match for Elizabeth's late hand, which was, to put it mildly, idiosyncratic" said Dr Philo. "The higher you are in the social hierarchy of Tudor England, the messier you can let your handwriting become.

 For the queen, comprehension is somebody else's problem." Dr Philo suggested the monarch might have been studying the text for guidance on how to rule.
The translation is from Tacitus's history of the Roman Empire and traces the death of Augustus, the rise of the Emperor Tiberius and the centralisation of power in a single individual.

 Dr Philo said Tacitus "has always been considered the subversive historian, and was later reviled under Charles I as anti-monarchical", which raises questions about why it would be of interest to Elizabeth.
Was she drawing upon it for guidance on how to rule or for examples of misrule to be avoided?

Alternatively, the translation could just have been a hobby for a queenwho is known to have enjoyed classical history. The manuscript has been at Lambeth since the 17th Century but it is the first time the author has been identified”. (Elizabeth I's Translation of Tacitus is published on 29 November 2019 in the Review of English Studies).

So, the authoritative researcher of English literature Dr John-Mark Philo claims that only Queen Elizabeth I could do a translation of a book in which the Roman historian Tacitus wrote of the benefits of monarchical rule.

And he also he confirms that Queen Elizabeth I have enjoyed classical history and she was the author of the writings.
This is fully consistent with my concept that only Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) was the direct author of a brilliant series of plays, which are often grouped under the title "Historical Chronicles and Historical Tragedies" about the monarchical rule of the kings of England, despite the fact that these plays attributed to W. Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Of course, "Historical Chronicles about the reign of the kings of England” could not have been written without many years of preliminary in-depth study and further use over the years of the richest archive and personal diaries of the members of Royal Families and of High Nobility who had been ruling in England for these 350 years, almost from 1200, and, unlike Shakespeare, Elizabeth had such opportunity.

It should be recalled here that in March 1554 Princess Elizabeth was imprisoned in the Tower of London on suspicion of involvement in the January and February 1554 uprising against her older half-sister Mary, who was 17 years older than her and was then queen.

The Tower contained “Archive of the Royal Manuscripts" and, of course, extremely intelligent and well-educated Princess Elizabeth, who unexpectedly had a lot of free time, did not miss the great opportunity to familiarize herself with it.
Her interest in this' Archive .." was prompted by the fact that two and a half years after the birth of Princess Elizabeth, her mother Anne Boleyn's marriage to her father, King Henry VIII, was annulled and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate.

That is why, from the moment Princess Elizabeth became an adult, all her life she pursued the goal of proving that the rule of the Tudor dynasty is a favorable period for England and Elizabeth is the rightful heir to the Tudor dynasty.

For a young princess Elizabeth Tudor (future Queen Elizabeth I), who received an excellent education and read in the originals the many classic tragedies of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, the best way to present the rule of the Tudor Dynasty in a favorable light was to write "Historical Chronicles" about the reign of the kings of England, primarily about the "Tudor dynasty", and she planned to create in the future her own royal theater, in which these plays was to would be staged publicly.

Her "Historical Chronicles" began with plays describing the history of the reign of English kings for a time of nearly 350 years, almost from 1200, and they were written with a clear traceable purpose to show that the rule of the Tudor dynasty is a favorable period for England.

o achieve this, Queen Elizabeth Tudor wrote a cycle of plays about King Henry IV, King Henry V and King Henry VI, but at the beginning of the seventeenth century, Queen Elizabeth Tudor, feeling the approach of death, missed the composition of the play about King Henry VII Tudor and she immediately began writing a play about King Henry VIII Tudor.

Princess Elizabeth began to actively write these plays after she was released from the Tower in May 1554 and exiled to Woodstock, Oxfordshire, where she remained until almost mid-October 1558, and she continued to write these plays, becoming the queen.

It was the previous acquaintance with “Archive of the Royal Manuscripts" and “Centuries-old Oxford`s family archive” that became for Elizabeth the main source of creation of her “Historical Chronicles”.
In addition, when she nurtured the plan for her "Historical Chronicles", Elizabeth Tudor took into account the research of John Leland, who also studied the chronology of England, and further she took into account the research off John Vowell Hooker Rainer Wolfe, Raphael Holinshed and William Harrison, who also studied documents of the past centuries, in which certain stages from the History of England were revealed in more detail.

The positive side effect of this was the publication of “Holinshed's Chronicles” in 1577, which was previously censored by the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber (actually a censorship by Queen Elizabeth Tudor). The second revised edition of the Chronicles was published in 10 years and also was censored by the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber (actually, a censorship by Queen Elizabeth Tudor).

By the time Elizabeth arrived in Woodstock, Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was 4 years old. In the mature years of his life, in his literary works he also used some materials that Elizabeth “unearthed” in the centuries-old Oxfords family archive. In gratitude for the hospitality of John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford, father of Edward de Vere, and also for using the centuries-old Oxford family archive, Queen Elizabeth Tudor subsequently patronized of Edward de Vere. This happened until he was accused of taking part in a conspiracy against the queen.

In 1582, under the patronage of Queen Elizabeth Tudor, the Royal Troupe was created and the Queen used the young William as a «secret literary errand boy». He (I will use modern terminology: "moderator") received from Queen Elizabeth Tudor her "Chronicles and Tragedies" as well as plays by other authors.

Sly William Shakespeare staged these plays at the Royal Theater and, with the Queen's consent, introduced himself as the author of these plays. Subsequently, including after the death of Queen Elizabeth Tudor, he published them, introducing himself as their author (as an example, I note that on the title page of the first printed edition of the play "Hamlet" the author's name is presented as "Shake-speare" and in the first editions of the works "Venus and Adonis", "Lucretia" and "Romeo and Juliet", attributed to Shakespeare, his surname was absent altogethe).

Any person from the nobility who wrote a new play and also wanted to hide his authorship (see above quote by Tom Rainier), but he wanted this play to be put on the prestigious stage of the royal theater under the patronage of Queen Elizabeth Tudor, was forced to give her this play.

Queen Elizabeth Tudor reviewed this play, making corrections to it in accordance with her deepest knowledge in the field of history, art, literature, modern and ancient languages (I repeat: Queen Elizabeth Tudor received a magnificent education and owned many languages – among them French, Italian, Spanish, including ancient Latin and ancient Greek languages). But since these plays belonged to different authors, it is from here in the plays attributed to W. Shakespeare that there are so many stylistic coincidences with the texts of tragic and romantic Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, and brilliant philosopher Francis Bacon, and of other authors of the heyday of Elizabethan culture. And the cunning William Shakespeare ("moderator" of Queen Elizabeth Tudor) staged plays by various authors in Royal Theater and, with the consent of the queen and true authors, he presented himself as the author of these plays (I repeat: on the title page of the first printed publication of the play "Hamlet" the author's name is presented as "Shake-speare" and in the first editions of the works "Venus and Adonis", "Lucretia" and "Romeo and Juliet", attributed to Shakespeare, his surname was absent altogethe ).

Additionally I will add: "First Folio" was published during the reign of King James I Stuart, whose mother Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was executed by Queen Elizabeth Tudor. Thus, King James, even if he knew the truth, had no reason to restore the truth that Queen Elizabeth Tudor was the direct author of the “Historical Chronicles” about the Tudor Dynasty.

Of course, I have other convincing arguments and facts to support my above thesis that it was Queen Elizabeth Tudor (Queen Elizabeth I) who was the direct author of a brilliant series of plays, which are often grouped under the title of “Historical chronicles” and “Historical tragedies” attributed to W. Shakespeare from Stratford-upon-Avon.
This is an excerpt from a brilliant publication
in the Shakespeare Authorship Roundtable:
"Early Shakespeare Authorship Doubts"
(January 6, 2020):
"...Defenders of the traditional (Stratfordian) view of Shakespeare authorship are deeply invested in the demonstrably false (yet widely repeated) claim that nobody had any doubts about the author’s identity until hundreds of years after Shakespeare’s time.
Professor Wildenthal, building on decades of work by other scholars, shows that authorship doubts, far from being a 19th century innovation, were an integral part of the time and culture that produced the Shakespeare canon.

Dozens of items expressing doubt, or pointing to some author other than Shakspere (the player from Stratford), were published before he died in 1616.
This documentary evidence goes back as early as 1589, more than 30 years before the Stratfordian theory itself was posthumously published (in very suspicious form) in the First Folio of 1623.
Much of this evidence points to the author “Shakespeare” being an aristocrat...
Five items published between 1605 and 1615 indicate the author died many years before 1616...".

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