It is a slave rebellion that took place in the city of Bahia in Brazil empire in the year 1835. It was carried out by Yoruba Muslims during the month of Ramadan. The term "Male" comes from the word "Imale" which was used to describe Yoruba Muslims from time immemorial.

The three leaders of this slave rebellion were three prominent Yoruba Muslims namely Ahuna, Pacífico, and Manoel Calafate. Their original Yoruba names had been changed to Portuguese names by Portuguese slave owners. The Yoruba Muslims who led this revolution in the month of January, 1835 took inspiration from the Haitian revolution of 1804. Infact, it was stated that they wore bracelets of Jean desailenes the revolutionary leader of Haiti, who defeated the army of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The slave revolt was crushed by the Brazilian military and police and leaders of this rebellion were executed. Thousands of Yorùbás were deported back to West Africa  because of this event because they Brazilian authorities felt they might spread revolutionary ideas amongst other black slaves in Brazil. Sylvanus Olympic the first president of Togo is a descendant of Yoruba slaves that were deported to West Africa due to this revolution.

We will never forget our heroes past, who fought for our freedom even outside the shores of Yorùbáland.

Aare kurunmi kakanfo II

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