During World War 2, a soldier was separated from his unit on an island.The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades.

Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction.
Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves.
Although safe for the moment, he realised that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, please spare my life. Whatever will happen, I love you and trust you. Amen". After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close.
He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one."

Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave.
"Hah" he thought, "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humour."
As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hide out and could see them searching one cave after another.
As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand, but then he heard the leader of the soldiers say:
"you may as well ignore looking in this cave ...if he had entered here this web would be broken!" So they left and he was delivered!
To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on.
Suddenly he realised that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while.
"Lord, forgive me," he prayed. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall. He will use the most foolish things in this world to confound the wise!
God is your protector, if you believe in him. Bless someone with this story.

Happy Sunday Friends!

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