Female warrior was buried with legs wide apart in the 'riding position' as if on a horse journeying into the afterlife 2,400 years ago

Female warrior was buried with legs wide apart in the 'riding position' as if on a horse journeying into the afterlife 2,400 years ago Site was discovered at Devitsa V ancient necropolis in Russia's Voronezh region The horsewoman, aged between 20 and 35, had her tendons cut after death Three other Amazon warriors who died at same time were found alongside her… 

I recently read about this remarkable site, and just realized that there are two hair-themed finds to be had about this site! 

This Scythian burial site with four female burials – who appear to have died and been buried at the same time - was discovered at the Devitsa V ancient necropolis in Russia's Voronezh region.
One extraordinary find was the 2,400-year-old female, who was between 20 and 35 years old when she died, appears to have been a warrior as she was buried with two spears.

 Mourners cut her leg tendons after death in order to bury her in what appears to be a 'horse riding position' perhaps so that she could journey to the afterlife. She not only wore a bracelet of precious glass beads round her wrist, but she was also buried with a huge bronze hand mirror!

Another grave was the burial of a ‘matriarch’, who was between 45 and 50 years old when she died, who was buried wearing an elaborate decorative Scythian ceremonial headdress known as a ‘kalaf’ with amphora-shaped pendants.
Overall, pretty spectacular stuff! #archeohair

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