Could H.H. Holmes Be Jack The Ripper?

 Could H.H. Holmes Be Jack The Ripper?

A newly-presented theory may prove the long-held idea about the identity of London's legendary serial killer Jack The Ripper.

According to Jeff Mudgett - the American serial killer H.H Holmes' great, great grandson - Holmes was in fact Jack.

In supporting his claim, Jeff listed the following :
- that the two had similar handwriting
- that Holmes was a deft surgeon like Ripper
- that his great-great grandfather was indeed in London when the killings took place
- that his ancestor closely resembles the police sketch of the London serial killer. 

“I am a descendent of the devil,” Jeff Mudgett said in a preview for the segment. “I have uncovered credible evidence which suggests that Holmes was Jack the Ripper.”


Jeff's claims are very interesting, and certainly does seem viable. He claims that H.H Holmes was in England during Jack's killing spree. This could've prompted him to start the brutal murders once he arrived back in America.

This could also be the reason why they never found Jack - because he escaped when he boarded a ship back to the States.

Jack the Ripper's killing spree lasted from 1888 to 1891. (Last murder was documented on 13 February 1891... more than enough time to head over to America and start the next string of murders in Christmas)

H. H. Holmes was born 1861 and died in 1896 at the age of 34. His killing spree lasted from 1891 to 1894. (First murder was in Christmas of 1891)

~ Athena ~

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