What innocent-seeming picture is actually heartbreaking?

What innocent-seeming picture is actually heartbreaking?

TRIGGER WARNING! The image below could potentially be triggering for some viewers as it is not %100 innocent if you look closely-

Ok, so this picture doesn't exactly seem innocent, but it doesn't seem too tragic or abnormal either. In this picture we can see a woman crying, walking away from a man that seems to be having an arguement from behind. That's not what's really going on though. Take a look at the picture and observe the background as well and I'll explain.

This picture was taken August 11, 1947, Los Angeles, California. Mr. John Thomas and his wife decided to go on a picnic with their two children. They brought with them their 9-year-old son, Raymond, and 7-year-old daughter, Patricia, to nearby Hansen Dam for the picnic. Both children wandered off out of sight and ended up missing.

The chief lifeguard, F.M Cox, discovered Patricia's body, drowned in the dam reservoir, and brought her to shore. Not long, Raymond was also found drowned and dead 💔💔😭

This picture was taken August 11, 1947, Los Angelos, California. Mr. John Thomas and his wife decided to go on a picnic with their two children. They brought with them their 9-year-old son, Raymond, and 7-year-old daughter, Patricia, to nearby Hansen Dam for the picnic. Both children wandered off out of sight and ended up missing until the following morning.

The chief lifeguard, F.M Cox, discovered Patricia's body, drowned in the dam reservoir, and brought her to shore. This photo shows the lifeguard attempting to sympathize while Mrs. Thomas turns away sobbing. Not long after, her son Raymond's body was found, also drowned.

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