Russia actually teamed up with German Nazis to attack Poland in 1939 (The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact).

I am realizing that many younger folks in the West and Global South (and Asia) don't know this part of Eastern European history: Russia did fight the German Nazis, but not right away. 

Russia actually teamed up with German Nazis to attack Poland in 1939  (The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact).  Russia only turned against Germany in 1941 when Germany attacked it (Operation Barbarossa).

 However, German Nazis modeled many of their genocidal policies (concentration camps, medical experiments on prisoners, mass deportations) on Stalin's policies implemented long before WWII within the Soviet Union on its own ethnic groups.

 Modern scholars estimate that Stalin killed between 6 to 9 mln of his own people. However, right around the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Russian media reported that Stalin might have killed as many as 20 mln of his own people....Here's an archival article in NYT from 1989, which speaks about it (so much hope back then about Russia taking responsibility for its past...):

* One million imprisoned or exiled from 1927 to 1929, falsely accused of being saboteurs or members of opposition parties.

* Nine million to 11 million of the more prosperous peasants driven from their lands and another two million to three million arrested or exiled in the early 1930's campaign of forced farm collectivization. Many of these were believed to have been killed.

* Six million to seven million killed in the punitive famine inflicted on peasants in 1932 and 1933.

* One million exiled from Moscow and Leningrad in 1935 for belonging to families of former nobility, merchants, capitalists and officials.

* About one million executed in the ''great terror'' of 1937-38, and another four million to six million sent to forced labor camps from which most, including Mr. Medvedev's father, did not return.

* Two million to three million sent to camps for violating absurdly strict labor laws imposed in 1940.

* At least 10 million to 12 million ''repressed'' in World War II, including millions of Soviet-Germans and other ethnic minorities forcibly relocated.

* More than one million arrested on political grounds from 1946 to Stalin's death in 1953.


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